October 28, 2016

Let the making begin! What an amazing afternoon in our Project Center this afternoon.  The students were engaged in creating their magnetic toys and games. We will continue with this project work next week. Please ask your child about the book we read at school today titled "Rosie Revere Engineer" By Andrea Beaty.

You child is bringing home their home journal today.  Please read it and write a positive note back to him or her.  Suggestions:  I like... , I notice…, I am proud of...etc.. Please do not make corrections or ask them to spell correctly.  This is their unedited work and we are working on writing at school.  You will notice how their writing improves over time and it amazing to watch this growth happen over time.
Looking ahead… On October 31, the students will get to celebrate Halloween during the afternoon.  They may bring their costume to school to change into during the afternoon.  Please see Mr. Dyck’s school wide message sent to you earlier this week.

Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. Sayani

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