Oct 21, 2016

The grade 2’s  welcomed three experts into our classes and had the chance to interview them about our school’s future playground.  We welcomed Mr. Dyck, who is our school principal, Margie, who is one of our school council members that helps with the fundraising of our playground and Tanya, who is the representative for Blue Imp Playground Manufacturing. Each expert provided us with a different perspective on the process, planning and building of our playground.

Margie provided us with the money perspective and some questions we had for her were:
  • Can we help raise money?
  • Can we raise money by doing something like a Terry Fox Run?( Run for Ken Taylor)
  • Can we sell cards at Christmas?
With Tanya, we were interested in finding out more about the design process and materials of our playground. Some questions we had were:
  • What type of materials are best for playgrounds in Canada?
  • How much space would we need for a playground?
  • Are the pieces of equipment different in a city park than a CBE school.
Our focus with Mr. Dyck was on the safety of our school and students when designing a playground. Some of our questions were:
  • Is there someone who checks the equipment and what do they check?
  • What equipment is too dangerous?
  • How will you help us keep safe?
Looking ahead… Continue our inquiry about the school's playground.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Sayani

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