October 3, 2016

Today our grade two team went on our first community walk.  The students visited a nearby park whereby they observed and sketched both 2D and 3D shapes that they saw.  They also enjoyed playing on the equipment.

The class also spent some time learning about number lines in math.  We are looking at the mental math strategy called ”counting back” this week.  Feel free to ask your child about this today.

During Word Work, the students worked in small groups creating words using scrabble pieces.  They collaborated and created many words together.

Looking ahead… The students will be beginning our on-line home reading program called Raz’ kids in the days to come.  Please keep your eyes open for notices and passwords being sent home.

Important Dates:
October 3 - Community Walk - this will not take place if we do not have enough volunteers.  The grade two team is in need of 4 more parent volunteers.
Mrs. Sayani

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