October 18, 2016

The grade two’s are learning about “Design Thinking”.  Today we had a tinfoil challenge in our class.  The students were asked to “Ideate” (create and come up with ideas) about their learning in grade two so far.  We did a gallery walk of our tinfoil creations and saw that people created buildings and cars from our community, 3D Shapes, Healthy food and magnets. The students showed their learning!!!
If you are interested in reading more about “Design Thinking” then please visit this site.
Looking ahead… The grade two’s will visit with experts on Friday.  Ask your child about the questions that they have for them...
Important Dates:
October 20 and 21 - Popcorn Day! The cost for the popcorn is a toonie.  Please support our school fundraiser.

Mrs. Sayani

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