May 23, 2017

Dear Parents,

We had a great start to our day with a presentation by HOJE.  The talented singers sang and had the audience captivated with songs from the top 40 music charts. Feel free to ask your child about the performance tonight.


The students are busy preparing and practising for our grade two learning celebration on June 2 at 8:30 a.m.  Please book some time off if you can to join the grade two’s on that day.

Important Information:
  • Practise home reading daily.
  • Please return all field trip forms as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so.  
  • Our class now has enough volunteers for the Aboriginal Center on May 29 but is in need for 2 parents to come with us to the Ed Center.
  • Please gather any items listed in the email sent home regarding our Learning Commons.

Have a wonderful evening!


Mrs. Sayani

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