October 12, 2016

The students went to our Learning Commons today.  Our class will be visiting it every Wednesday.  Your child will be able to bring home two books as long as there are no overdue books.  We have gone over the rules with all the students:
  1. Take care of the new books
  2. Please do not eat or drink near them
  3. A fee will be paid for lost or damaged books.
We want your child to enjoy the books so please read with them.  Also, a book bag has been provided to ensure that the books are well kept.  Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.


We looked at counting from different starting points.  The students continue to look at counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100.

Practise Reading with Raz Kids daily!

Looking ahead… The students will have the opportunity to build a magnetic toy or game using design thinking approach.

Mrs. Sayani

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