May 5, 2017

Dear Parents,

Your child learned how to do his or her home journal through an email today. They were so excited about it!  Please keep in mind that they are just beginning to use a keyboard and are learning.  There are some great websites for you to use at home for them to practise their keyboarding skills.  Dance Mat Typing is one that you can try at home. You are welcome to send an email back to your child about their learning at school.

We are going to begin to learn about Boats and Buoyancy on Monday.

Practise home reading daily.

Our two field trips have been approved.  We will be going to the Aboriginal Centre on May 29 and the Education Centre on June 8.  In order for the trips to happen, we will need volunteers. Please look for notices regarding these two field trips in the upcoming weeks.


Mrs. Sayani

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