November 30, 2016

Today we looked closely at the landscape of Iqaluit which is the capital city of Nunavut.  We are creating a class “Google Slide” show together and documenting as well as sketching in our creative journals.  Feel free task your child about this today.
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The students continue to learn about double digit addition without regrouping.  We discussed two rules today.  First you add the ones and then you add the tens.  We will continue this work tomorrow.  Some students have taken on the challenge to work through double digit addition with regrouping.
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Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school).
Looking ahead…  What landscapes does Iqaluit have?
Tomorrow is Popcorn Day again. If you did not bring a toonie today, you are welcome to do so tomorrow.

Mrs. Sayani

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