Feb 21, 2017

Dear Parents,

The students began reading a new book during our literacy time. They all had the job of the illustrator and summarizer today.  Please ask your child what book he or she is reading.

Today was our 100th day celebration.  The students were involved in centers such as, 100 LEGO creation, 100 teddy bear pattern, 100 pennies make $1.00, heads or tails and 100 steps take me to...

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Your child is coming home with a field trip form to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on March 7.  Each class is in need of 2-3 parent volunteers.  The field trip is only for the morning. All forms are due back on Monday February 28,2017.

Your child is also bringing home a scholastic book order. You may purchase books online or send back the order form with a cheque to school by February 28, 2017.

Please practice reading on Raz kids tonight. The username is either Ken2a or Ken2b with your child’s 8 digit cbe code.

~Mrs. Sayani

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