February 28, 2017

Dear Parents,

This is a friendly reminder that our field trip to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary is on Tuesday March 7.  Please kindly return all field trip forms if you already haven’t done so.

The class read a pourquoi story called “Why Epossumondas Has No Hair on His Tail” by Colleen Salley.  We then discussed how we could start writing our own stories. We thought that we would create a wall story with the entire class prior to planning and writing our own. Our class wall story is called “How the Bison Got His Horns”? We have begun writing it together and the students are creating illustrations with a small group. We will share it with once we are done. For now, here are some photos of our collaborative work together today.


Have a great evening and get a good night's sleep.

~Mrs. Sayani

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