February 24, 2017

Dear Parents,

Your child will be bringing home his or her home journal today.  Please remember to write positive notes back to your child. Keep in mind that we are working on writing traits on a daily basis.  Some things that you can say are:

I notice…
I was proud of…
I think…
It seems like…
I love the way…
Please try to…
I’m excited about…

In math we created a weather bar graph based on our record of the weather patterns in February.
Your child brought home a field trip form on Tuesday to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on March 7.  Each class is in need of 2-3 parent volunteers.  The field trip is only for the morning. All forms are due back on Monday February 28,2017. We have 1 parent so far… please consider coming.

Have a great weekend!

~Mrs. Sayani

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