
Showing posts from October, 2016

)ctober 31, 2016

Students were busy working on Halloween math this afternoon. They were practising addition and subtraction facts to 20. Please return all home journals to school. Have a safe and Happy Halloween! Looking ahead… Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10.  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11. Mrs. Sayani

October 28, 2016

Let the making begin! What an amazing afternoon in our Project Center this afternoon.  The students were engaged in creating their magnetic toys and games. We will continue with this project work next week. Please ask your child about the book we read at school today titled "Rosie Revere Engineer" By Andrea Beaty. You child is bringing home their home journal today.  Please read it and write a positive note back to him or her.  Suggestions:  I like... , I notice…, I am proud of...etc.. Please do not make corrections or ask them to spell correctly.  This is their unedited work and we are working on writing at school.  You will notice how their writing improves over time and it amazing to watch this growth happen over time. Looking ahead… On October 31, the students will get to celebrate Halloween during the afternoon.  They may bring their costume to school to change into during the afternoon.  Please see Mr. Dyck’s school wide message sent to you earlier this

October 27, 2016

The students were very busy today designing their magnetic toy or game.  They made a plan with a list of materials that they will need to make it.  We have booked our “Project Center” for tomorrow afternoon to begin creating it.  Please ensure that you help your child collect the recycled materials for him or her to use.   Please refrain from making anything for them as this is a school project. Looking ahead… On October 31, the students will get to celebrate Halloween during the afternoon.  They may bring their costume to school to change into during the afternoon.  Please see Mr. Dyck’s school wide message sent to you earlier this week. Mrs. Sayani

October 26, 2016

In math, we looked at the mental math strategies called “doubles” and “doubles plus 1”. Feel free to ask your child about it this evening. Just a friendly reminder that the students are going to create a magnetic toy or game on Friday.  Please have a conversation with your child about his or her idea.  Also, help them collect recycled materials from home to build it.   Looking ahead… Create a magnetic toy or game on Friday. Important Dates: October 31 - Halloween - stay tuned…. Mrs. Sayani

October 25, 2016

The students were busy looking at how to represent a number in a variety of ways.  These are some of the ways they know… Tallies Number word Number line Pictures 10 frame Counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s Addition equation Subtraction equation Fact families Looking ahead… Create a magnetic toy or game on Friday. Important Dates: October 31 - Halloween - stay tuned... Mrs. Sayani

October 24, 2016

Today our class looked at the “Ideate” stage of design thinking.  The students brainstormed ideas about the magnetic toy or game they would like to create.  Please ask your child about their ideas and support them in collecting recycled materials to build their toy or game. Looking ahead… Create a magnetic toy or game on Friday. Important Dates: October 25 - tomorrow is picture day at our school.  Wear your best smile! Mrs. Sayani

Oct 21, 2016

The grade 2’s  welcomed three experts into our classes and had the chance to interview them about our school’s future playground.  We welcomed Mr. Dyck, who is our school principal, Margie, who is one of our school council members that helps with the fundraising of our playground and Tanya, who is the representative for Blue Imp Playground Manufacturing. Each expert provided us with a different perspective on the process, planning and building of our playground. Margie provided us with the money perspective and some questions we had for her were: Can we help raise money? Can we raise money by doing something like a Terry Fox Run?( Run for Ken Taylor) Can we sell cards at Christmas? With Tanya, we were interested in finding out more about the design process and materials of our playground. Some questions we had were: What type of materials are best for playgrounds in Canada? How much space would we need for a playground? Are the pieces of equipment different

October 20, 2016

The students in grade two have been learning about magnets over the past month.  They are able to describe the interaction of magnets with other magnets and with common materials.  The students are now expected to design and produce a device that uses magnets.  We are going to build a toy or game that uses magnets on Friday October 28 .  Please kindly have a discussion with your child as to what he or she wants to create.   Some ideas include ; a magnetic board game using mathematical concepts that we are learning in class, a go fish game that would use a rod with a magnet at the end or puppet theatre.   Your child may require materials from home such as a shoebox, chopsticks,  magnets, etc…  We will be able to provide your child with string, paper clips, paper, and colouring/drawing supplies. Please ensure that your child has his or her supplies by Friday. Looking ahead… The grade two’s will visit with experts on Friday.  Ask your child about the questions that they have for t

October 18, 2016

The grade two’s are learning about “ Design Thinking ”.  Today we had a tinfoil challenge in our class.  The students were asked to “ Ideate ” (create and come up with ideas) about their learning in grade two so far.  We did a gallery walk of our tinfoil creations and saw that people created buildings and cars from our community, 3D Shapes, Healthy food and magnets. The students showed their learning!!! If you are interested in reading more about “Design Thinking” then please visit this site. design - thinking -empathy-challenge-discovery-sharing-susie-wis.. Looking ahead… The grade two’s will visit with experts on Friday.  Ask your child about the questions that they have for them... Important Dates: October 20 and 21 - Popcorn Day! The cost for the popcorn is a toonie.  Please support our school fundraiser. Mrs. Sayani

October 17, 2016

The students created a boy and girl graph in math today.  They sorted themselves into two groups and used tally marks when counting.  After making the graph, we discussed how to interpret the graph. Looking ahead… We are going to be bringing in some experts about our future playground.  Your child is working through his or her Inquiry project about 3D shapes. Ask your child about vertices, edges and faces. Important Dates: October 20 and 21 - Popcorn Day! The cost for the popcorn is a toonie.  Please support our school fundraiser. Mrs. Sayani

October 16, 2016

The students did a self assessment on their “Bird’s Eye View” today.  It was great to see such honesty… Some students even asked to improve their work by going back to it, to add details.  Feel free to ask your child about it tonight. Looking ahead… We are going to be bringing in some experts about our future playground.  Your child is working through his or her Inquiry project about 3D shapes. Important Dates: October 16 - Home Journals were due back today.   October 20 and 21 - Popcorn Day! The cost for the popcorn is a toonie.  Please support our school fundraiser. Mrs. Sayani

October 14, 2016

The students are bringing home their “Home Journal” today.  Please review the notice that is glued in the front of your child’s book.  Your child will be bringing it home on Friday’s.  Please DO NOT EDIT their work.  This is simply for your child to communicate with you about their school and for you to see their writing progress over the year. Please write your child a note back in the book and return it to school on Monday. The students learned more about zentangles today.  Please ask your child about their tangles. Looking ahead… We are going to be bringing in some experts about our future playground.  Your child is working through his or her Inquiry project about 3D shapes. Important Dates: October 20 and 21 - Popcorn Day! The cost for the popcorn is a toonie.  Please support our school fundraiser. Mrs. Sayani

October 13, 2016

Today in math, the students worked in a small group and were given a secret envelope.  It had a secret 3D shape inside it ( cube, cylinder, pyramid, sphere, cone.  The students created a riddle about their 3D shape.  The rule was to give the number of edges, vertices, faces and a real world object about it. The Grade Two team has began flexible groups with Word Work.  Your child has been placed in a group of students who are at a similar level of reading and writing words.  Please ask your child about his or her group and the work that they did this week. The students will be meeting four days a week, Monday thru Thursday of each week. Looking Ahead… Tomorrow is a spirit day! Students are invited to wear something blue to support our Canadian baseball team.   Go Blue Jays, Go!   Mrs. Sayani T

October 12, 2016

The students went to our Learning Commons today.  Our class will be visiting it every Wednesday.  Your child will be able to bring home two books as long as there are no overdue books.  We have gone over the rules with all the students: Take care of the new books Please do not eat or drink near them A fee will be paid for lost or damaged books. We want your child to enjoy the books so please read with them.  Also, a book bag has been provided to ensure that the books are well kept.  Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. We looked at counting from different starting points.  The students continue to look at counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100. Practise Reading with Raz Kids daily! Looking ahead… The students will have the opportunity to build a magnetic toy or game using design thinking approach. Mrs. Sayani

October 11, 2016

The students began “Guided Reading” with our brand new collection of guided reading books today. One of the daily 5 areas will include small group work with the teacher.  The students will have the opportunity to read their leveled book with students who are reading at their same level.  We looked at the reading strategy; look at the picture for clues and discussed the meaning of words that we did not understand.  Feel free to ask your child about their group and the book that they are working on this week. We looked at counting from different starting points.  The students continue to look at counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100. Practise Reading with Raz Kids tonight! Looking ahead… The students will have the opportunity to build a magnetic toy or game using design thinking approach. Mrs. Sayani

October 8, 2016

The students spend quite some time creating visual journal pages of their reflections and learning throughout the day.  It is a time to sketch and write down their thoughts and wonders.  Here are a few samples from our week... Just a few samples of our amazing work... Please ensure that you have logged onto Raz - Kids.  This is our online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, down loadable books, and reading quizzes. Please review the notice and sign the form and return it to school as soon as possible. Also, keep the student card as it has the username and password on it. The notice provides you with a step by step guide to begin. Students are urged to do home reading 4-5 days a week. Looking ahead… The students will have the opportunity to build a magnetic toy or game using design thinking approach. Important Dates: October 10 - Thanksgiving - NO SCHOOL Mrs. Sayani

October 5, 2016

Today the students practiced using counter pillars to create addition equations. The class practiced throwing and catching a football in gym class. The students are bringing home a Scholastic Book Fair brochure.  Your child may have a wishlist of books he or she may want to purchase.  Please have a conversation at home about what they can buy.  You are welcome to send money with your child to school tomorrow or visit the Fair with them during Parent Teacher Interviews. Raz - Kids is an online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading quizzes. Please review the notice and sign the form and return it to school as soon as possible. Also, keep the student card as it has the username and password on it. The notice provides you with a step by step guide to begin. Students are urged to do home reading 4-5 days a week. Looking ahead… The school is having a Scholastic Book Fair.  50% of the  proceeds will go to Ke