November 22, 2016

The students all got Gmail accounts today!  They learned how to log onto a laptop and how to send an email.  Their task is to send me an email and our hope is to send one to their parents in the weeks to come.  We discussed what it means to show “Digital Citizenship” prior to accessing our account.  Feel free to ask your child about their Technology time today.
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Tomorrow is another spirit day at Ken Taylor School.Tomorrow we will have our 2nd school spirit day!  We are so excited for it!
Being a new school means that we have the chance to start some traditions for the future students. One of those traditions is picking a school colour.  For our spirit day tomorrow, students are invited to wear a colour that they think would represent Ken Taylor School the best.  They should be able to explain why they chose that colour.  Today we watched a video that Mr. Dyck and Mrs. Tuttle created to share a colour they think would represent Ken Taylor.  They read a story and shared their feelings about the colour purple.
You can watch that video here:

Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school).
Looking ahead…  Begin our Inquiry on Canada’s Dynamic Communities: Inuit, Prairie and Acadian
Mrs. Sayani

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