November 2, 2016

Today we looked at a picture of an igloo and reflected in our visual journals with the thinking routine; “I see, I think, I wonder and I feel”.  Ask your child about his or her reflection.
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This is the start of our Inquiry on Canada’s Dynamic Communities.  We are going to spend a lot of the year looking at the Inuit, Acadian and Prairie communities and learning about their people, land, language, food, traditions and culture.
We will continue our  “Project Work” with magnets.  Please ask your child how this is going.  Have them explain their project to you.
Important Dates:
Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school).
Looking ahead… Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10.  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11.

Mrs. Sayani

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