November 3, 2016

Today our focus in math was increasing number patterns.  The students created a pattern and explained the rule of how it increases.  We did a gallery walk and looked at the increasing patterns by 1’s and 2’s created in our room.
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We will continue our  “Project Work” with magnets.  Please ask your child how this is going.  Have them explain their project to you.
During word work, the students have been looking at the word family called the screaming ee’s.  We have sounded out the initial and ending sounds of these words and created lists using the whiteboards.  Oh what fun did the students have today!
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Important Dates:
Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school).
Looking ahead… Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10.  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11.

Mrs. Sayani

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