May 31, 2017

Dear Parents,

Today the students created a journal page representing everything they know about the Prairie community; they wrote about the land, food, shelter, clothing, culture and natural resources.  Feel free to ask your child about this.

Important Information:
  • June 2 - Grade two assembly at 8:30 am and Volunteer Appreciation at 1:30 pm.
  • June 6 - ride your bike to school day
  • June 9 - All Learning Commons books are due back to the school.
  • Practise home reading this evening.
  • Send nutritious snacks for your child to eat at school.
  • Please send in an empty water bottle with a lid for your child to use for a STEM challenge if you have it.
  • Send in boat supplies by Monday June 5, 2017


Mrs. Sayani

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