March 9, 2017

Dear Parents,

The students worked through a word problem today.  We are learning that it is not all about the answer to the question but the process.  How do we derive our answers? Have a look at the processes we came up with today.

There are 52 fish in the tank.  12 of them are blue.  28 are red.  The rest are orange.  How many fish are orange?
l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l
l l l l l l l l l l
12 + 28 = 40
52- 40= 12
This is how Chad solved it...
  1. 28+12=40
  2. Drew 52 circles
  3. crossed out 40 because that’s how many fish he knew the color of…
  4. He counted the rest.
  5. Chad used the mental math strategy, counting on, and found out that there are 12 orange fish.

We are enjoying learning about the thermometers in Science.  Feel free to ask your child about the the boiling and freezing point of water.

Our class will be Inline skating tomorrow.  Please kindly return the form if you already haven’t done so.

~Mrs. Sayani

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