March 6, 2017

Dear Parents,
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is our 2nd field trip of the year to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.  We are all excited for the morning. We will be leaving the school right after 8:00 in order to get to the Bird Sanctuary in time, so please ensure that all students are on time tomorrow!
Here is the approximate schedule for the day:
½ of group at ‘Surviving the Seasons’ program
½ of group on ‘Nature Walk’
9:00 – 9:45 am
½ of group at ‘Surviving the Seasons’ program
½ of group on ‘Nature Walk’
9:45 – 10:30 am
Departure from Bird Sanctuary to School
Arrive back at Ken Taylor School

We will be outside for part of the morning on a walk of the sanctuary.  As the walk is an important part of our morning, we will still participate in it, but we will watch the temperature carefully and if it is too cold, we will cut our walk shorter.  Keeping this in mind, please ensure that students are dressed warmly tomorrow with good boots, snow pants, mittens, hats etc.  

Please make sure your child eats a nutritious breakfast as we will not be having a morning snack.

Have a wonderful night.

Mrs. Sayani

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