
Showing posts from February, 2017

February 28, 2017

Dear Parents, This is a friendly reminder that our field trip to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary is on Tuesday March 7.  Please kindly return all field trip forms if you already haven’t done so. The class read a pourquoi story called “Why Epossumondas Has No Hair on His Tail” by Colleen Salley.  We then discussed how we could start writing our own stories. We thought that we would create a wall story with the entire class prior to planning and writing our own. Our class wall story is called “How the Bison Got His Horns”? We have begun writing it together and the students are creating illustrations with a small group. We will share it with once we are done. For now, here are some photos of our collaborative work together today. Have a great evening and get a good night's sleep. ~Mrs. Sayani

February 27, 2017

Dear Parents, This is a friendly reminder that our field trip to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary is on Tuesday March 7.  Please kindly return all field trip forms if you already haven’t done so. The students learned how to research about the traditional foods of the Inuit, Acadian and Ukrainian people of Canada.  We learned that the Ukrainian people bake a special bread called paska. The inuit people enjoy eating arctic char and the Acadians bake a special meat pie called rappie pie.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight. Have a great evening and get a good night's sleep. ~Mrs. Sayani

February 24, 2017

Dear Parents, Your child will be bringing home his or her home journal today.  Please remember to write positive notes back to your child. Keep in mind that we are working on writing traits on a daily basis.  Some things that you can say are: I notice… I was proud of… I think… It seems like… I love the way… Please try to… I’m excited about… In math we created a weather bar graph based on our record of the weather patterns in February. Your child brought home a field trip form on Tuesday to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on March 7 .  Each class is in need of 2-3 parent volunteers.  The field trip is only for the morning. All forms are due back on Monday February 28,2017. We have 1 parent so far… please consider coming. Have a great weekend! ~Mrs. Sayani

February 23, 2017

Dear Parents, The students continued their worked on their literacy jobs. The focus today was selecting a word that they did not know the meaning of in their guided reading book. We discussed the word(s) in our small groups and the students wrote down their meanings. In math we worked on double digit addition and subtraction equations.  We went on a website that breaks down the tens and ones.  Feel free to have your child explore it at home. Your child brought home a field trip form on Tuesday to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on March 7 .  Each class is in need of 2-3 parent volunteers.  The field trip is only for the morning. All forms are due back on Monday February 28,2017. Please practise reading on Raz kids tonight. ~Mrs. Sayani

Feb 21, 2017

Dear Parents, The students began reading a new book during our literacy time. They all had the job of the illustrator and summarizer today.  Please ask your child what book he or she is reading. Today was our 100th day celebration.  The students were involved in centers such as, 100 LEGO creation, 100 teddy bear pattern, 100 pennies make $1.00, heads or tails and 100 steps take me to... Your child is coming home with a field trip form to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary on March 7.  Each class is in need of 2-3 parent volunteers.  The field trip is only for the morning. All forms are due back on Monday February 28,2017. Your child is also bringing home a scholastic book order. You may purchase books online or send back the order form with a cheque to school by February 28, 2017. Please practice reading on Raz kids tonight. The username is either Ken2a or Ken2b with your child’s 8 digit cbe code. ~Mrs. Sayani

February 13, 2017

Dear Parents, The students reflected about our Grand School opening in their writing journals today. During math, the students were given 21 colored bingo chips and a blank pie graph.  The task was to create a pie graph and read it. This is what they came up with. The BIG BOX of cards has been extended.  Please kindly continue to sell them and return the money and envelope back to school. Please practise reading on Raz kids tonight. ~Mrs. Sayani

February 9, 2017

Dear Parents, The students in grade two are looking forward to the Grand Opening of our new school tomorrow.  We hope to see you there! We began some non-fiction writing about the communities we have been learning about.  Feel free to ask your child about the “hamburger” that helped them organize their thoughts and ideas. All students received their school tee shirt today. Please practise reading on Raz kids tonight. ~Mrs. Sayani

February 7, 2016

Dear Parents, The students have been busy getting ready for our school Grand Opening . Each family may sign up for two tickets to attend our dress rehearsal on Thursday or the Grand Opening on Friday.  Both are to be held at 1 p.m. Please read the letter sent to all parents from Mr. Dyck... Dear Parents/Guardians: As you know our School’s Grand Opening Ceremony will be held next Friday, February 10 th at 1:00 pm.   This is a great opportunity for the CBE and the provincial government to acknowledge the importance of public education.  Through a variety of ways, our students will be expressing their appreciation for all the many hardworking people required to build our school.  Additional highlights include a few words from an Elder and several government officials, both provincial and civic, who will be present to share their support.  We are especially fortunate to have Ken Taylor’s wife, Patricia, join us to share some words and share in our celebration as well. As o

February 6, 2017

Dear Parents, Today the students were busy getting ready for our school grand opening. Each family may sign up for tickets to attend our dress rehearsal on Thursday or the Grand Opening on Friday.  Both are to be held at 1 p.m. ~ Mrs. Sayani

Feb 1, 2017

Dear Parents, Today the students were busy getting ready for the student led conferences tomorrow and Friday. I am looking forward to seeing you all as your child shares his or work with you. Please sign up if you already have not done so. There is a scholastic book fair at our school this week.  Any student wishing to make a purchase can do so tomorrow afternoon. NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY DUE TO STUDENT LED CONFERENCES. Have a good evening with your family. ~ Mrs. Sayani