September 14, 2016

The students have begun an Inquiry on Magnets.  Please ask your child about their exploration using a magnetic wand today.
Our focus in Numeracy today was looking at shapes around our school.  The students investigated and sketched outdoors.
Looking ahead… There will be a “Meet the Teacher” night tomorrow from 6 - 8 p.m..  
Parent Night: Our Curriculum Night – on Thursday, September 15th is from 6:00 – 8:00 pm; this will be a great first opportunity for you to learn about some key things your child’s teacher wants you to know and will provide an opportunity for you to ask questions. There will two repeating presentations from each teacher and then time for you to ask questions afterwards. This time will facilitate the connections between home and school and better prepare us for the first conferences in early October. Please drop into the appropriate sessions with your child’s teacher. I look forward to seeing you!

Friday is an early dismissal day.  Students will go home at 11:35 p.m.
Have a great evening!

Mrs. Sayani

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