September 8, 2016

We had our first assembly today.  The students heard a "Read Aloud" titled; "The Three Questions" by Leo Tolstoy. We will be doing some work in our classroom throughout the year around the three questions in this book:

When is the best time to do things?
2. Who is the most important one?
3. What is the right thing to do?

It's a beautiful book and can apply to so many things!

The students created name tags for their coat hooks using watercolour.  They first drew a picture of something or someone that is important to them with crayons.  Later we painted with watercolors and learned brush stroke techniques.  Feel free to ask your child about his or her name tag.  
Our focus in Numeracy was adding using two or three dice.  The students created addition equations in their math journals.

Looking ahead…  the students are busy writing a biography about themselves titled; “All About Me”.  We will be drawing self portraits tomorrow.

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