
Showing posts from March, 2017

March 22, 2017

Dear Parents, I would like to wish all my students and families a happy holiday.  Relax and have fun! Ask your child about the un birthday party list and how they used problem solving to spend a $100 on their birthday party. Our class have completed their pourquoi stories and will be using “Little Bird Tales” which  is a storytelling and e-learning tool that can be implemented in hundreds of ways, and is great for kids of all ages. Practice Raz Kids and IXL if you can… Have a wonderful holiday! ~Mrs. Sayani

March 20, 2017

Dear Parents, Today the students looked at measurement in math.  They learned that non standard measurement is using an object that is the same size to measure the length and width of something.  We explored how big Mrs. Sayani’s foot is using dominoes, bingo chips, cubes and much more. Ask your child about this activity tonight. Our class worked on their pourquoi stories and are hoping to complete them by Wednesday. We can’t wait to share them with you during our student led conference in April. Practice Raz Kids and IXL if you can… Have a nice evening! ~Mrs. Sayani

March 14, 2017

Dear Parents, The students have been learning about increasing patterns. They used various manipulatives to create a pattern and explain its rule.  Find your child and see if he or she can discuss this concept with you. The students worked in our Grade Two Team illustrating their feeling word. We are hoping to make some class books in the days to come. Some students used emoji's while others drew people. We completed our in line skating program today.  It was great to see the students improve each day.  Great Effort! Have a nice evening! ~Mrs. Sayani

March 10, 2017

Dear Parents, We have spent the past two days coteaching with the entire grade two classes.  It has been an amazing experience facilitating students work together on their feelings project.  The students have discussed, role played, and written their thoughts in collaboration with their fellow classmates. Ask your child about his or her group and what their secret feeling word is… Our class logged onto both IXL and Raz Kids on the laptops today.  Please encourage your child to continue practising reading and math for 15 minutes a day. Our class will be Inline skating on Monday and Tuesday.  Please have them dress in appropriate clothing for this activity.  It can get rather warm in the gym, therefore, a tee shirt and comfortable bottoms are best suited. Have a fantastic weekend! ~Mrs. Sayani

March 9, 2017

Dear Parents, The students worked through a word problem today.  We are learning that it is not all about the answer to the question but the process.  How do we derive our answers? Have a look at the processes we came up with today. There are 52 fish in the tank.  12 of them are blue.  28 are red.  The rest are orange.  How many fish are orange? l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ll 12 + 28 = 40 52- 40= 12 This is how Chad solved it... 28+12=40 Drew 52 circles crossed out 40 because that’s how many fish he knew the color of… He counted the rest. Chad used the mental math strategy, counting on, and found out that there are 12 orange fish. We are enjoying learning about the thermometers in Science.  Feel free to ask your child about the the boiling and freezing point of water. Our class will be Inline skating tomorrow.  Please kindly return the form if you already

March 6, 2017

Dear Parents, This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is our 2nd field trip of the year to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.  We are all excited for the morning. We will be leaving the school right after 8:00 in order to get to the Bird Sanctuary in time, so please ensure that all students are on time tomorrow! Here is the approximate schedule for the day: ½ of group at ‘Surviving the Seasons’ program ½ of group on ‘Nature Walk’ 9:00 – 9:45 am ½ of group at ‘Surviving the Seasons’ program ½ of group on ‘Nature Walk’ 9:45 – 10:30 am Departure from Bird Sanctuary to School 10:45am Arrive back at Ken Taylor School 11:15am We will be outside for part of the morning on a walk of the sanctuary.  As the walk is an important part of our morning, we will still participate in it, but we will watch the temperature carefully and if it is too cold, we will cut our walk shorter.  Keeping this in mind, please ensure that students are dressed warmly tomorrow wit

March 3, 2017

Dear Parents, The students finished their wall story about how the bison got his horns. Feel free to ask your child about this tonight. We started to look at Inuit traditions today.  We learned about throat singing and smudging. The students also made connections to their own special traditions. During math, the students solved a word problem.  They all had $62 dollars to spend and were asked to figure out how many things could they buy for the money that they had. Your child is coming home with an Inline skating form.  Please kindly return it to school by Wednesday, March 8, 2017. ~Mrs. Sayani

March 1, 2017

Dear Parents, Today during literacy, the students were asked to choose a word that they did not know the meaning of and discuss it with a partner. Then they wrote the actual meaning and used the word in a personal sentence applying to themselves.  This is a high yield strategy used to increase a student’s vocabulary called REVUP. We continued to work on our wall story is called “How the Bison Got His Horns”? Today we re-read the story and added descriptive words about the bison and the prairie. During math, the students created extended patterns and documented the core.  Ask your child about the rule of patterns. AA BBB C AA BBB C AA BBB C Have a great evening! ~Mrs. Sayani