January 5, 2017

Dear Parents,

Today the students finished a storyboard that they are going to use prior to writing a story about Sylvester and the magic pebble.  The storyboard is designed to help them organize their thoughts and ideas about the story elements ( beginning, middle and ending), before they write.  Feel free to ask your child about the story elements tonight during dinner.

In math we explored estimating.  Look what we found in the school to estimate and count!

Your child brought home a field trip form yesterday.  Please sign and return it to school as soon as possible.  All forms must be returned by Friday January 6. If you are able to volunteer then please send back the purple form as well.

Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week.  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 due to our field trip to the Glenbow Museum.

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Sayani

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