January 6, 2017

Dear Parents,

Today your child will be bringing home his or her home journal.  Please read it with your child and write them a comment back.  They were excited to share their learning with you.

In math we worked through a problem about what makes 10.  This is what the students came with...
IMG_3190.JPGIMG_3191.JPGFullSizeRender (32).jpg

Our field trip to the Glenbow museum is on Wednesday January 11.  Our class is in need of at least one parent if possible.  Is there anyone who may be able to volunteer?  Please email me if you are able to do so.

Fun Lunch Jan 2017.jpg

Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week.  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 due to our field trip to the Glenbow Museum.

Have a great evening!
Mrs. Sayani

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