January 23, 2017

Dear Parents,

The Grade Two Team worked on Art projects related to our study on the land of Nova Scotia. Our students have painted wildflowers, created lighthouses with tissue art and pencil crayons.  Ask your child what project he or she worked on this past week. We are writing about the land we have studied throughout this week.

Today we learned about animals from Nova Scotia.  We sketched, that Canada Goose, raccoons, deer and the blue lobster.  Did you know that you have a one in two million chance of catching a blue lobster?

In Math, the students learned how to play the African math game called Kalah.  We will spend more time looking at problem solving strategies to win.

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Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week.  Our next exchange will be on Wednesday. Please send all learning commons books with your child to school.

Have a wonderful evening!

~ Mrs. Sayani

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