
Showing posts from November, 2016

November 30, 2016

Today we looked closely at the landscape of Iqaluit which is the capital city of Nunavut.  We are creating a class “Google Slide” show together and documenting as well as sketching in our creative journals.  Feel free task your child about this today. The students continue to learn about double digit addition without regrouping.  We discussed two rules today.  First you add the ones and then you add the tens.  We will continue this work tomorrow.  Some students have taken on the challenge to work through double digit addition with regrouping. Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  What landscapes does Iqaluit have? Tomorrow is Popcorn Day again. If you did not bring a toonie today, you are welcome to do so tomorrow. Mrs. Sayani

November 28, 2016

Today our focus was on the visible thinking routine “ Think, Pair, Share”.  The students wrote down what they think about the Inuit Land after looking at photographs of Iqaluit. We are beginning our guided Inquiry about the Inuit Land.  These are some of the students’ thoughts prior to our research. The students are learning about double digit addition without regrouping.  We discussed two rules to day.  First you add the ones and then you add the tens.  We will continue this work tomorrow. Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  What does the land in Iqaluit look like? Mrs. Sayani

Nov 24, 2016

Today our focus was on writing our “Next Steps” for our magnet project.  The students took the feedback given to them and wrote down how they might change things about their toy or game.  This is apart of design thinking whereby students learn that failing is “ok” and we are given the chance to fix things.  This is what our entire process looked like for the past 6 weeks… Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  Begin our Inquiry on Canada’s Dynamic Communities: Inuit, Prairie and Acadian Mrs. Sayani

Nov 23, 2016

The students all had the opportunity to try out their magnetic toy or game today.  They invited a friend to try it out too.  We will be spending some time tomorrow discussing what are next steps will be… Feel free to ask your child about how things went today. Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). All Home Journal must be returned to school by tomorrow. Looking ahead…  Begin our Inquiry on Canada’s Dynamic Communities: Inuit, Prairie and Acadian Mrs. Sayani

November 22, 2016

The students all got Gmail accounts today!  They learned how to log onto a laptop and how to send an email.  Their task is to send me an email and our hope is to send one to their parents in the weeks to come.  We discussed what it means to show “Digital Citizenship” prior to accessing our account.  Feel free to ask your child about their Technology time today. Tomorrow is another spirit day at Ken Taylor School. Tomorrow we will have our 2nd school spirit day!  We are so excited for it! Being a new school means that we have the chance to start some traditions for the future students. One of those traditions is picking a school colour.  For our spirit day tomorrow, students are invited to wear a colour that they think would represent Ken Taylor School the best.  They should be able to explain why they chose that colour.  Today we watched a video that Mr. Dyck and Mrs. Tuttle created to share a colour they think would represent Ken Taylor.  They read a story and shared their feel

November 17, 2016

During Math we looked at Addition using the mental math strategy “counting on” and Subtraction using the strategy “counting back”.  We used cool dice to create equations and solve the equations.            We read the book “Ish” by Peter A Reynolds for Word Work.  The students focused on the “ish” ending sound. Important Dates: Friday is an early dismissal day! Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  Play with our magnetic toys and games... Mrs. Sayani

Nov 16, 2016

We took time out of our day to learn about a mindful art form called Zengarden.  Each part of the garden has a name.  The students learned shading and coloring techniques which they applied to their art work.  Zentangles and Zengarderns are apart of mindfulness.              Zentangle is an easy to learn art method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is known to increase focus and creativity. Important Dates: Friday is an early dismissal day! Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  Play with our magnetic toys and games... Mrs. Sayani

Nov 15, 2016

Today the students all received a new level book in guided reading.  I am pleased to see how they are applying reading strategies to help them decode words.  The students are working tremendously hard in their response journals writing about the book that they have read.  Feel free to ask your child what level of book they are reading at school.                       Important Dates: Tomorrow is picture retake day!!! Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  Practise “Raz Kids” Daily! Mrs. Sayani

November 14, 2016

Today the students spent some time learning about problem solving through math games.  We played a “Go Fish” card game whereby the object was to “make 10”.  Once you’ve use up all the cards to make 10 you win the game.  This game allowed the students to problem solve on what to ask their opponent for… If I was holding a 7 card, I would ask for a 3 card from my opponent.                        Important Dates: Tomorrow is picture retake day!!! Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  Tomorrow will be our last day for project work.  All students should be done their toy or game.  We are planning to donate our games to the “Make A Wish” Foundation.  This vision was inspired by the students in our class. Mrs. Sayani

November 10, 2016

Today the students spent some time reflecting about Remembrance Day.  Their feelings shone through their work.  They truly expressed how thankful they are for the soldiers and veterans that have brought “peace” to our Canada. Important Dates: Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11.  Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday November 14. Mrs. Sayani

November 9, 2016

Today the students learned about estimating.  They looked at a picture of jelly beans and made an educated guess about how many there were in the photograph. We are happy to be performing in our Remembrance Day ceremony tomorrow at 9:30 am.  Parents are welcome to attend our first performance at Ken Taylor School. Important Dates: Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11. Mrs. Sayani

Nov 7, 2016

Today the students spent some time learning how to apply the mental math strategy “counting on” with the number 10.  They created addition facts using the number 10. We are excited that our wreath for our Remembrance Day Ceremony is complete.  This is what it looks like…. Important Dates: Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead… Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10.  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11. Mrs. Sayani

Nov 4, 2016

The students were asked to closely look at their Science Project and add the fine details to it.  We are beginning to write the rules on how to play with our games and toys. We are excited to make a wreath for our Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 10.  We were busy painting coffee filters and will continue to work on it on Monday. Important Dates: Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead… Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10.  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11. Mrs. Sayani

November 3, 2016

Today our focus in math was increasing number patterns.  The students created a pattern and explained the rule of how it increases.  We did a gallery walk and looked at the increasing patterns by 1’s and 2’s created in our room. We will continue our  “Project Work” with magnets.  Please ask your child how this is going.  Have them explain their project to you. During word work, the students have been looking at the word family called the screaming ee’s.  We have sounded out the initial and ending sounds of these words and created lists using the whiteboards.  Oh what fun did the students have today! Important Dates: Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead… Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10.  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11. Mrs. Sayani

November 2, 2016

Today we looked at a picture of an igloo and reflected in our visual journals with the thinking routine; “I see, I think, I wonder and I feel”.  Ask your child about his or her reflection. This is the start of our Inquiry on Canada’s Dynamic Communities.  We are going to spend a lot of the year looking at the Inuit, Acadian and Prairie communities and learning about their people, land, language, food, traditions and culture. We will continue our  “Project Work” with magnets.  Please ask your child how this is going.  Have them explain their project to you. Important Dates: Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead… Our Remembrance Day Assembly will be held on November 10.  There will be NO SCHOOL on November 11. Mrs. Sayani