April 26, 2017

Dear Parents,

The students are finishing up their Little Bird Tales today. We are almost ready to publish.  You will be notified in the days to come on how to purchase your child’s pourquoi tale.

We will begin building our device on Friday April 28.  If you have not sent in materials then please take a few minutes to discuss this project with your child tonight.


In Math, the students have created a bar or pictograph based on the  data that they collected. They also have been reading graphs using math terms such as; more than, less than and is the same as...

Practise home reading tonight. There is a special assembly on Friday morning held by our grade three students.  It will be held at 8:30 a.m. if you would like to attend, you are more than welcome to do so.

There are two field trips remaining for our grade two students. One on May 29 and the other on June 12. If you are able to take a day off to volunteer than that would be great! Check your calendars...


Mrs. Sayani

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