April 10, 2017

Dear Parents, 
Today we are beginning our Home Reading Program!

Here is how it works:
·       Each day your child will be bringing home their home reading bag with their leveled reading book and a time tree.
  • Set aside a convenient and quiet time each evening when you and your child can read and discuss the book together.  After reading for 15 minutes, please fill in the “Time Tree” and return the book to school the following day.  Once your child has read for 450 minutes, he/she will receive 5 tallies.  Please keep the time tree at home and return it after it is completed.
  • Your child may also bring home his/her ring words sometimes.  Please practice them daily and ensure that they remain in their blue book bags with their books for the next school day.
  • The books that the children are bringing home are leveled according to difficulty from “A” through “S".  It is important to read the book several times so that your child is familiar with the vocabulary.  You may keep it for a day but please return it to school, as your child will be reading it at DEAR Time.  If your child would like to bring it home again, he or she will have the choice. Please remember that a child needs to see a word 72 times before it is its own.  
  • Your child will have the opportunity to choose a new book each day to bring home, unless they want to keep their book for an extra day, they may color in the Time Tree each night at home.
  • Please note that we have taken great care and time in preparing these books to be ready for your children.  
  • I hope that you enjoy spending time reading with your child and please be patient with your child and make this reading time fun for your child.  

Mrs. Sayani

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