
Showing posts from January, 2017

January 30, 2017

Dear Parents, Today our class began literacy circles during their guided reading time.  All the students read their reading level book quietly.  Then we looked at the job of a question maker which is to come up with questions about the book that they are reading.  It was interesting to hear the conversations within each table group. Here are some questions you can ask your child after home reading at home. Student led conferences are on Thursday Feb 3 and Friday Feb 4. Please sign up if you already haven’t done so. There will be a scholastic book fair at our school this week.  Our class is going to view the books tomorrow. NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY DUE TO STUDENT LED CONFERENCES. Have a fantastic weekend! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 27, 2017

Dear Parents, Today our flexible groups within our grade two classes completed their Prairie art projects.  The students chose prairie wildflowers to watercolor, wheat fields to watercolor or grain elevators in oil pastel.  Have a look at their beautiful work! Student led conferences are on Thursday Feb 3 and Friday Feb 4. Please sign up if you already haven’t done so. There will be a scholastic book fair at our school next week. Have a fantastic weekend! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 26, 2017

Dear Parents, We continued our writing about the Prairies today. The students reflected on the animals that live on the Prairies with a book that we read aloud in class.  It is called “The Eyes of the Canadian Prairies" by Heather Hulkenberg. Feel free to ask your child about these animals. Have a great evening! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 25, 2017

Dear Parents, Our focus today was on writing about the Prairie. We looked at books about one of Canada’s prairies, Saskatoon. The students described the land as wheat fields and rivers with wildflowers and the aurora borealis. Feel free to ask your child about this tonight. Your child is bringing home a new book from the learning commons today.  Please take the time to read it with your child. Have a great evening! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 24, 2017

Dear Parents, Our learning community spent a lot of time writing about the Land of Nunavut and Nova Scotia today.  They wrote about the cold tundra, frozen soil and polar bears in Nunavut to the blue skies, ocean, blue lobsters and lighthouses in Nova Scotia. Ask your child how these two lands share similar of different characteristics. Our focus tomorrow will be writing about the Prairie. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on Wednesday . Please send all learning commons books with your child to school tomorrow. Have a great evening! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 23, 2017

Dear Parents, The Grade Two Team worked on Art projects related to our study on the land of Nova Scotia. Our students have painted wildflowers, created lighthouses with tissue art and pencil crayons.  Ask your child what project he or she worked on this past week. We are writing about the land we have studied throughout this week. Today we learned about animals from Nova Scotia.  We sketched, that Canada Goose, raccoons, deer and the blue lobster.  Did you know that you have a one in two million chance of catching a blue lobster? In Math, the students learned how to play the African math game called Kalah.  We will spend more time looking at problem solving strategies to win. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on Wednesday . Please send all learning commons books with your child to school. Have a wonderful evening! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 18, 2017

Dear Parents, The students were busy being scientists today.  They mixed colors to create a color that means something to them. They also learned about liquids and solids that mix well together(miscible) and the liquids and solids that don’t mix well together(immiscible). We will have Art tomorrow with our Grade 2 Team.  The students will have a choice of three different art projects that relate to the landscape of Nova Scotia. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 . Please send all learning commons books with your child to school TOMORROW. Have a wonderful evening! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 17, 2017

Dear Parents, Today we discussed “Pourquoi” stories in literacy.  These stories are “how” stories that explain the “Why”.  The book we read today was called “HOW THE ZEBRA GOT ITS STRIPES”.  Later we used laptops to research animals from Iqaluit.  We are planning to research animals from Meteghan and the Prairies as well.  We are hoping to write our own pourquoi stories in the weeks to come.  Here is a website for our students to visit. Popcorn day is tomorrow! Send a toonie with your child to school. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 . Please send all learning commons books with your child to school TOMORROW. Have a wonderful evening! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 16, 2017

Dear Parents, Today we looked at our school character virtues.  We had a long discussion about what it means to be an ambassador of Ken Taylor School.  Please ask your child to explain our “HEART” to you tonight. Popcorn day is tomorrow and and Wednesday! Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 . Please send all learning commons books with your child to school by Wednesday. Home Journals were due back today. Have a wonderful evening! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 13, 2017

Dear Parents, What a fun day of learning.  The students engaged in writing a letter to their parents about their week at school in their home journal.  They also explored math problem solving games through centers and learned about absorbency in Science.  Feel free to ask your child about his or her day over supper tonight. Popcorn day in next Tuesday and Wednesday. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 . Please send all learning commons books with your child to school by Wednesday. Home Journals are due back on Monday. Have a great weekend! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 12, 2017

Dear Parents, We enjoyed our afternoon with Denise Miller, a storyteller.  She told aboriginal stories about various North American animals. One story we heard was about how fawns are protected by camouflage.  This is a great segway into our story writing about myths and legends of animals from one of Canada’s Dynamic communities. In math we worked on addition using dot cards.  The students were applying mental math strategies to solve addition equations with a partner. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 13, 2017 (Tomorrow). Please send all learning commons books with your child tomorrow. P.S. Home journals were due on Monday. Have a good night! ~ Mrs. Sayani

January 11, 2017

Dear Parents, We enjoyed an afternoon of Inuit Art yesterday.  Look at the wonderful pieces created by our students! In math we continued our work with two digit subtraction.  The students used 10’s and 1’s to see how the process worked with their own eyes. Our fieldtrip to the Glenbow museum is Today.  Please send a lunch, healthy nutritious snack and water bottle with your child.                           Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 due to our field trip to the Glenbow Museum. Have a wonderful day! ~Mrs. Sayani

January 9, 2017

Dear Parents, The grade two team designed three different art projects that all relate to the land of Iqaluit. The students had the opportunity to choose from oil pastels, watercolor and zentangle.  Feel free to ask your child what he or she is working on.  We will continue our work tomorrow afternoon.  Here is some work in progress with the students that came to me to zentangle. In math we worked through subtraction of double digit numbers.  Our focus was to show a number using 10 blocks and take away from it. For example, 70 - 30 = 40.  Some students began using one’s to subtract ( 90 - 12=).   Our fieldtrip to the Glenbow museum is on Wednesday January 11.   Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 due to our field trip to the Glenbow Museum. Have a great evening!  Mrs. Sayani

January 6, 2017

Dear Parents, Today your child will be bringing home his or her home journal.  Please read it with your child and write them a comment back.  They were excited to share their learning with you. In math we worked through a problem about what makes 10.  This is what the students came with... Our field trip to the Glenbow museum is on Wednesday January 11.  Our class is in need of at least one parent if possible.  Is there anyone who may be able to volunteer?  Please email me if you are able to do so. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 due to our field trip to the Glenbow Museum. Have a great evening! Mrs. Sayani

January 5, 2017

Dear Parents, Today the students finished a storyboard that they are going to use prior to writing a story about Sylvester and the magic pebble.  The storyboard is designed to help them organize their thoughts and ideas about the story elements ( beginning, middle and ending), before they write.  Feel free to ask your child about the story elements tonight during dinner. In math we explored estimating.  Look what we found in the school to estimate and count! Your child brought home a field trip form yesterday .  Please sign and return it to school as soon as possible.   All forms must be returned by Friday January 6. If you are able to volunteer then please send back the purple form as well. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 18, 2017 due to our field trip to the Glenbow Museum. Have a great evening! Mrs. Sayani

January 3, 2017

Dear Parents, Happy New Year!  The students came to school today enthusiastic and ready to learn. Our focus today was on addition of two digit numbers.  The students used dice to create double digit numbers and add them as well as explain the process. Your child will be bringing home a field trip form .  Please sign and return it to school as soon as possible.   All forms must be returned by Friday January 6. Learning Commons -  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 4, 2017. Have a great evening! Mrs. Sayani