June 8, 2017

Dear Parents,

What a great week we are having at Ken Taylor School.  We had a special guest; a mad scientist came and shared information about insects with us. The students looked at insects through microscopes, solved puzzles and sorted through various bugs.


We are conducting a water bottle flipping experiment this week.  The students have been predicting,measuring water in ml and strategizing to flip the bottle and have it land on it’s bottom.  The students record their data and transfer it onto a graph. Feel free to ask your child about how many ml of water had the most successful flips… Are their strategies to bottle flipping?

Important Information:
  • June 9 - All Learning Commons books are due back to the school.
  • Practise home reading this evening.
  • Send nutritious snacks for your child to eat at school.
  • We will begin building our boats tomorrow.
  • June 12 - Swimming begins.  Please have your child wear their bathing suit under his or her clothing.  Send clean undergarments, towel and hair brush to school in a separate bag.


Mrs. Sayani

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