
Showing posts from April, 2017

April 28, 2017

Dear Parents, We spent the afternoon building our device according to our plan.  The students enjoyed this “prototype” phase.  We will be testing our device on Monday or Tuesday of next week. The students worked cooperatively together by sharing materials and a few students decided to team up with a partner to build one device. We are looking forward to the "testing" phase of our project. Practise home reading for 15 minutes this weekend. Please read and comment on your child’s home journal.  The journals are due back on Monday of every week. Have a wonderful weekend! Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani

April 26, 2017

Dear Parents, The students are finishing up their Little Bird Tales today. We are almost ready to publish.  You will be notified in the days to come on how to purchase your child’s pourquoi tale. We will begin building our device on Friday April 28.  If you have not sent in materials then please take a few minutes to discuss this project with your child tonight. In Math, the students have created a bar or pictograph based on the  data that they collected. They also have been reading graphs using math terms such as; more than, less than and is the same as... Practise home reading tonight. There is a special assembly on Friday morning held by our grade three students.  It will be held at 8:30 a.m. if you would like to attend, you are more than welcome to do so. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: There are two field trips remaining for our grade two students. One on May 29 and the other on June 12. If you are able to take a day off to volunteer than that would be great! Che

April 24, 2017

Dear Parents, We spent some time ideating about our warm/cool device.  The students have drawn a diagram of what their device will look like.  Please remember to send in materials by tomorrow if you haven’t already done so. We will build this device by the end of the week. In Math, the students created a class survey.  We will look at the data that we have collected using tallies tomorrow and create a graph. Feel free to ask your child about this activity. Practise home reading tonight. Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani

April 21, 2017

Dear Parents, Your child is coming home with his or her home journal today.  Please take a few minutes to read it over with your child.  This is their unedited work, therefore,  do not correct your child’s writing as we are working on their writing goals during class time. We spent some time learning about festivals that our Canadian Communities celebrate.  We learned an inuit game called leg pull.  The students had a lot fun trying it out on a gym mat. We also looked at some Ukrainian dances and are planning to learn one in the days ahead... We will be creating a device that keeps things cool or warm next week.  Please send in materials with your child if you have them at home by Tuesday.  A list was provided yesterday. Practise home reading this weekend! Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani

April 20, 2017

Dear Parents, We are creating an insulating device to keep ice cool or tea warm as a culminating activity for our Hot and Cold Temperatures unit.  We are hoping we could have students bring in any items below that you have available for our classes to use: ·       cotton balls ·       tin foil ·       fabric ·       newspaper ·       wax paper ·       solo cups ·       feathers Please send any items that you can share to school by next Tuesday April 25th, so that we can start this fun project! Thank you, Mrs. Sayani Mrs. Stewart Mrs. Jordan

April 18, 2017

Dear Parents, Thanks to all the families who came out yesterday for our Student Led Conferences. The students enjoyed sharing their learning with you. During Literacy, our focus was on asking questions about the book that the students are reading. We are working on comprehension of the text that we are reading.  Feel free to ask your child about the book that they are working on. Please see the notice below from our fundraising association… Dear Parents and Guardians, The voting has reopened as of noon yesterday.  There was a hack to the system and they had to redo the voting.  They have restarted and set the votes to 0.  We are allowed to vote 4 times per day per device.  So Please share with everyone you know and ask them to vote for us (parents, grandparents, friends, Facebook, twitter ....). Voting will now go until May 1st! The winner will be the video that has the most votes so click on this link and vote, vote, vote

April 13, 2017

Dear Parents, I am looking forward to seeing you at our Student Led Conference on Monday April 17.   Please sign up if you haven’t already done so. I want to take the opportunity to wish the families who are celebrating Easter, a happy holiday! Practise home reading daily.  Remember to send the book back to school each and every day. If your child needs it for another night, then he or she will bring it back home. Have a wonderful long weekend! Mrs. Sayani

April 11, 2017

Dear Parents, The students spent some time on their “Little Bird Tales” today.  They are excited to share them with you at our student led conference on Monday April 17.   Please sign up if you haven’t already done so. A scholastic book order was sent home last week.  Please note that all orders are due back by Thursday April 13, 2017. Please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada. Practise home reading daily.  Remember to send the book back to school each and every day. If your child needs it for another night, then he or she will bring it back home. Have a good night! Mrs. Sayani

April 10, 2017

Dear Parents,  Today we are beginning our Home Reading Program! Here is how it works: ·        Each day your child will be bringing home their home reading bag with their leveled reading book and a time tree. Set aside a convenient and quiet time each evening when you and your child can read and discuss the book together.   After reading for 15 minutes, please fill in the “Time Tree” and return the book to school the following day.  Once your child has read for 450 minutes, he/she will receive 5 tallies.  Please keep the time tree at home and return it after it is completed. Your child may also bring home his/her ring words sometimes.  Please practice them daily and ensure that they remain in their blue book bags with their books for the next school day. The books that the children are bringing home are leveled according to difficulty from “A” through “S".  It is important to read the book several times so that your child i

April 4, 2017

Dear Parents, We had an exciting day today! We began our art and technology project around our pourquoi stories.  We looked at Barbara Reid who is an author and artist.  She uses modelling clay for her illustrations in books. The students are creating their title page with clay as well.  Today we looked at techniques to create a sky. We will work on this project throughout the week.  This writing project is integrated to art and technology.  The grade two team will be using Little Bird Tales to publish their stories.  Feel free to ask your child about the work that they did today. Practise Raz Kids and IXL tonight. Have a good night! ~Mrs. Sayani