December 12, 2016

Today the class looked closely at the landscape of a Prairie.  We  discussed describing words and this is how some of the students described what they saw…
”I see beautiful sunflowers, a dirt path, a good looking sky that helps grass grow. I think the place gets lots of rain and sunlight.  I wonder why the flowers are so tall? I feel like there are lots of bees and butterflies there”.
“I see sunflowers, yellow daffodils, clouds and a clear blue sky. I think that this is a farmer’s field and it is beside a corn field and it is where scarecrows are...I wonder if strawberries grow and other fruits?  I also wonder if there are scarecrows? I feel a sunflower seed crunching in my mouth and the air and breeze”.
Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school).

Looking ahead…  Painting something special for the holiday season…

Thursday - green and red day. Our class will perform during our carolling assembly @ 1:00pm
Friday - pajama day
Mrs. Sayani

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