
June 26, 2017

Dear Parents, It’s hard to believe that there are only 1.5 days left with students.  There is still a lot of great learning happening in our grade two learning community.  The students are working hard to complete a slideshow on an insect of choice. Their slides include the appearance, food, habitat and behaviour of many different bugs.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight. Many of you have been asking about the “Little Bird Tale” your child worked on this past term.  Please log on to your child’s account and when you see their tale, you will notice a drop box that states “more options” .  You may download it as a PDF or purchase it for $1.  Please do so right away so that you have a copy. Important Information: Last day of school is on Wednesday June 28. Please note that this is an early dismissal day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:30 am. Practise home reading using RAZ kids throughout the summer! Please return ALL HOME READING BOOKS to school to

June 15, 2017

Dear Parents, In science we sketched a grasshopper today and learned some important scientific facts.  Ask your child to share some of these facts with you over dinner tonight. Important Information: There is NO SWIMMING TOMORROW. Classes will resume on Monday June 19, 2017 at 10:30 am. Practise home reading using RAZ kids tonight.   Please return ALL HOME READING BOOKS to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is beach day at our school.  Wear your beach attire! Early dismissal tomorrow… Students will be dismissed at 11:30 am.. Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani

June 14, 2017

Dear Parents, The students have been excited about going swimming to Thornhill pool. Feel free to ask your child about what they are learning and practising in the water. In science we are learning how to sketch a different insect and learn about important scientific facts.  Today we looked at ants and this is what we came up with using a book titled “Ants” by Margaret Hall . Important Information: June 15 - Swimming tomorrow! Practise home reading this evening. All books must be returned to school by Friday. Send extra nutritious snacks for your child to eat at school. The swim classes are making them hungry. Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani

June 8, 2017

Dear Parents, What a great week we are having at Ken Taylor School.  We had a special guest; a mad scientist came and shared information about insects with us. The students looked at insects through microscopes, solved puzzles and sorted through various bugs. We are conducting a water bottle flipping experiment this week.  The students have been predicting,measuring water in ml and strategizing to flip the bottle and have it land on it’s bottom.  The students record their data and transfer it onto a graph. Feel free to ask your child about how many ml of water had the most successful flips… Are their strategies to bottle flipping? Important Information: June 9 - All Learning Commons books are due back to the school. Practise home reading this evening. Send nutritious snacks for your child to eat at school. We will begin building our boats tomorrow. June 12 - Swimming begins.  Please have your child wear their bathing suit under his or her clothing

May 31, 2017

Dear Parents, Today the students created a journal page representing everything they know about the Prairie community; they wrote about the land, food, shelter, clothing, culture and natural resources.  Feel free to ask your child about this. Important Information: June 2 - Grade two assembly at 8:30 am and Volunteer Appreciation at 1:30 pm. June 6 - ride your bike to school day June 9 - All Learning Commons books are due back to the school. Practise home reading this evening. Send nutritious snacks for your child to eat at school. Please send in an empty water bottle with a lid for your child to use for a STEM challenge if you have it. Send in boat supplies by Monday June 5, 2017 Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani

May 31, 2017

Dear Parents, Today the students created a journal page representing everything they know about the Inuit land, food, shelter, clothing, culture and natural resources.  Feel free to ask your child about this. The students are busy planning and preparing for our school wide assembly on Friday at 8:30 am.  Please try to join us in celebrating your child’s learning. Important Information: Tomorrow is crazy hair day and fun lunch for those who have ordered. Practise home reading this evening. Send nutritious snacks for your child to eat at school Please send in an empty water bottle with a lid for your child to use for a STEM challenge if you have it. Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani

May 29, 2017

Dear Parents, We had an amazing morning at the Aboriginal Learning Centre.  The students toured the school, learned about artifacts and engaged in indigenous games. Here are some photos of our day... A special thank you to Mr. And Mrs. Hobbes for volunteering! The students are busy planning and preparing for our school wide assembly on Friday at 8:30 am.  Please try to join us in celebrating your child’s learning. Important Information: Practise home reading for this evening. Send nutritious snacks for your child to eat at school Please send in an empty water bottle for your child to use for a STEM challenge if you have it. Sincerely, Mrs. Sayani