
Showing posts from December, 2016

December 16, 2016

Dear Parents, Wishing you and your families a “Happy Holiday” and a wonderful “New Year”.  Thank you for your kind gifts.  I have enjoyed having all your children in my class and am looking forward to the learning ahead... Your child will be coming home with his or he report card today.  Please read this document and discuss your child’s strengths and also have a conversation with them about their next steps. Learning Commons - Mr. Dyck would like our students to keep their learning Commons books over the holidays.  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week .  Our next exchange will be on January 3, 2017. Have a wonderful holiday! Mrs. Sayani

December 15, 2016

Dear Parents, Thank you for coming out to our school carolling today.  Our class did a wonderful job dancing to “ Waka Waka “, A Time for Africa. We also spent some time talking about how to be kind to each other.  We listened to a read aloud by our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Tuttle called “What Does It Mean To Be Kind?”.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.        Learning Commons - Mr. Dyck would like our students to keep their learning Commons books over the holidays.  Please ensure that your child continues to read for 15 minutes 4-5 times a week.  Our next exchange will be on January 3, 2017. Have a wonderful evening with your families. Mrs. Sayani

December 14, 2016

We are beginning to learn about “Liquids” in Science. Today the students explored water.  They observed it, felt it and explored it using spoons, beakers, measuring cups and test tubes.  We discussed the importance of water.  Feel free to ask your child what he or she knows about water. What scientific facts can they share with you. The students are learning how to use a Storyboard as a plan for writing stories.  This Board will help them collect story elements prior to writing.  We as class created a class generated Storyboard about a book titled, “Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. It includes a beginning, middle and ending of a story. The students will have this storyboard when writing their own story. Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  Painting something special for the holiday season… Tomorrow - green and red day. Our class will perform during our carolling assembly @ 1:00pm Friday - pajama day Mr

December 12, 2016

Today the class looked closely at the landscape of a Prairie.  We  discussed describing words and this is how some of the students described what they saw… ”I see beautiful sunflowers, a dirt path, a good looking sky that helps grass grow. I think the place gets lots of rain and sunlight.  I wonder why the flowers are so tall? I feel like there are lots of bees and butterflies there”. ~Aleksei “I see sunflowers, yellow daffodils, clouds and a clear blue sky. I think that this is a farmer’s field and it is beside a corn field and it is where scarecrows are...I wonder if strawberries grow and other fruits?  I also wonder if there are scarecrows? I feel a sunflower seed crunching in my mouth and the air and breeze”. ~Folashewa Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Looking ahead…  Painting something special for the holiday season… Thursday - green and red day. Our class will perform during our carolling assembly @ 1:00pm

December 9, 2016

Today the class looked at warm and cool colors in Art.  We discussed how cool colors remind us of trees and oceans whereas warm colors remind us of fruit, lava and the sunshine.  The students painted color wheels and learned how to mix colors to create different shades of colors. Here are a couple of our palettes. Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Parent Council is still looking for a few parents to volunteer as Parent Volunteer Coordinator for each classroom.   Our class still does not have a volunteer. If you have received your CBE police clearance and this position would interest you please contact parent council at council' . Looking ahead…  Painting something special for the holiday season… Enjoy your weekend with your families and stay warm! Mrs. Sayani

December 5, 2016

Today the class began looking at the Land of Nova Scotia. They noticed lighthouses, rocky shores, hills, oceans and boats. We used the thinking routine; “I see, I think, I wonder and I feel” when looking at the photographs of this landscape. Please ask your child about this tonight. The students worked on a class survey today about “What Ken Taylor’s school colors should be”.  They asked students within our class and graphed the results using tally marks.  We learned that our class would like the color to be BLUE. Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Parent Council is still looking for a few parents to volunteer as Parent Volunteer Coordinator for each classroom.  If you have received your CBE police clearance and this position would interest you please contact parent council at council' . Looking ahead…  What does the land in Iqaluit look like? Mrs. Sayani

December 2, 2016

This week we looked closely at the landmarks of Iqaluit. The students compared the landmarks of Calgary to the landm arks of Iqaluit. Feel free to ask your child about this. The students continue to learn about double digit addition without regrouping.  We discussed two rules today.  First you add the ones and then you add the tens.  We will continue this work tomorrow.  Some students have taken on the challenge to work through double digit addition with regrouping. Learning Commons - Wednesdays ( Please remember to bring your books back to school). Parent Council is still looking for a few parents to volunteer as Parent Volunteer Coordinator for each classroom.  If you have received your CBE police clearance and this position would interest you please contact parent council at council' . Looking ahead…  What does the land in Iqaluit look like? Mrs. Sayani